Quick Update!

  Hey guys! So, this is a really (relatively) quick post about things. An overview of what I'm going to go over is:
  • Things about this blog
  • Info about my fanfiction
  • Info about recommendations
  • Some things to look forward to
Let's get started, shall we?

  First off, things about this blog. I hope to make this blog even better than it already is (which should be pretty easy since this isn't this best blog). I'm thinkin of adding some things that make this site more interactive for you guys and that's also why I'm learning how to code webpages!

  Second on the agenda, information about The Boy With The Emerald Eyes. I've noticed that there aren't a lot of you guys who seem interested in it so I thought I would do some quick self-promotion to tell those of you who aren't sure about reading it or just don't want to, a little information about it. Ok. Right now, it isn't action-packed nor have there been any triggers that I know of. If there were any, they should be at the top of the post. I label them "Warning(s)" and I do that on recommendations as well. Just to make sure that everyone knows what they're getting into. Next, it's just the beginning of it so there isn't a super lot going on (I plan to change that soon). Also, this is my first fanfiction in case you didn't know so please don't be hateful in the comments. I appreciate constructive criticism and welcome those comments just make sure they aren't mean. Thanks!

   Next, info about recommendations. As I expected, these are the most popular things on here (or at least it seems like it). So in order for me to reach a wider audience, there is the possibility of me adding some new fandoms to my recommendation list. Just a quick reminder that if there is a fanfiction you think deserves a recommendation, just comment somewhere and let me know the name, what fandom it's from, where it can be found, and (if possible) please provide a link. It can be hard to find fanfictions that you know the name of as I'm sure you all know, so please be as specific as possible in your comment.

   Last but not least, some things to look forward to! Yes, I've already gone over some of these, but I have a few more that some of you might want to hear. I do plan to be posting on here more often so there's that! I also will be getting more of my fanfiction out since I'll be posting more. No real reason why I am going to try to post more besides the obvious one which is that I love that there are so many people liking what I have to say/write.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this and I'm excited for this blog's future! Hope you all are too!


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