A Step Back

   Hey! So, I'm completely crazy about so many books, shows, movies, people, etc. that sometimes it's hard to remember a time before I was in any fandom. Yet it wasn't that long ago for me. I discovered fandoms about four years ago through anime. Sure, I loved books and shows and movies and loved to talk about them but I didn't know there was a name for the other people who liked it as much as I did.
    So, I took a step back and thought: what was my first fandom? Of course, I thought about how hardcore I am about books and realized that was the only thing that I had any interest in until about four years ago when I discovered anime. Again, I thought about what the first book or book series would've been the first one I was emotionally invested in. I came to the obvious conclusion of Harry Potter. Well, it was obvious for me at least. You see, my mother liked it and so ever since I was little, I've known about it. Sure, I might've been born after it started but I was there when it ended. I've watched every movie, read every books, and devoured every extra fact I could about it. I started watching it when I was 4 and began reading it when I was 8. When it ended, I cried and cried. But there is a new book coming out this July for it. Although I know little to nothing about it, when it comes out, I intend to be there to learn about it and hopefully read it if it's good.
   The point of this post isn't that my first fandom was Harry Potter in all honesty. It was that we all need to sometimes remember that there was a point in our lives when we didn't know fandoms existed and that there are still those out there who don't know they do. So, take a step back yourself and think: what was my first fandom? You might be surprised or you might know it right away. Either way, you should think about what your reaction to that first fandom was. Remember that there are still people who haven't experienced that first reaction to their first fandom. I hope that everyone experiences it because fandoms are like families and no matter what, they are always there for you.
    Okay, so this has been a sentimental post (at least a little bit) and originally, I didn't intend it to be. Strange how things work out, huh? Please comment below what your first fandom was and let's share! Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!


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