Undertale Ask Blog Recommendations

    Hey there! It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, you probably already know this from the title, but this is a list of some of my favorite Undertale ask blogs that I think you guys might enjoy! Now, this is a kinda short list since I have not had the pleasure of finding too many ask blogs that I enjoy! However, the ones I have found, typically have a wonderful attitude and a story line that they intertwine with the asks they receive. I hope you can find something on this list that you might like. I might add some more ask blogs in the future if I find some more ask blogs that I think you guys might enjoy! Okay, now onto the list!
(These are not in any particular order, I enjoy all of the ask blogs for different aspects.)

Ask Frisk and Company

This ask blog follows Frisk and generally everyone from Undertale. Chara is one of the bad guys here and Flowey is Flowey still as far as I now, so if you don't enjoy those sort of things, that may not be something you enjoy! The story centers more around the story rather than a certain character or characters so it does allow more characters to be involved. There are OC's and other ask blogs that have joined the story which makes it even more interesting, in my opinion! It's a really fun ask blog to follow although there is some angst throughout it.

Ask Drunk Chara

This ask blog follows a 23 year old male/gender neutral Chara who general gets drunk quite often hence the name. There are other characters in this as well, but this particular ask blog tends to focus mainly on Chara. It is post pacifist although a genocide route has been previously abandoned. This Chara lives on the surface with Frisk and Asriel. Due to the general atmosphere that Chara gives off, I have seen the attitude of the ask blog change very quickly. I really do enjoy this one since it gives a good story and I love the background since to me it seems really realistic.

Ask Mercy Series

This ask blog is slightly different from the others due to the set up of it. Howevere, it is definitely one that is worth checking out. The story arcs are amazing and if I'm correct, you can buy physical copies of some of the arcs. It is a story driven ask blog based around Chara x Frisk and their family and friends. They do adopt children in this one. They are both female, adults, and in one of arcs, they get married. That's not really a spoiler since it's in the beginning of the blog. Here, Chara has been adopted by Undyne and Frisk is still Toriel's child. It has lots of angst which is usually caused by askers although it does have some fluff and stuff to make up for it. Flowey is in this ask blog and fair warning: there are some sexual things in here. BTW, in this ask blog, Chara was saved by Frisk after a Pacifist Route. However, under some extreme duress usually related to Frisk or the kids being hurt/threatened, Chara does snap into a Genocide mode rage.

As I said before, this is a short list since I haven't encountered many ask blogs I've liked yet relating to Undertale. I will most likely end up updating this list in the future once I've encountered some more. I hope you found something you enjoyed on this list. As always, comment below if you have something to add or say and have a wonderful day! BYE!!


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