Christmas Headcanons

  Hey there! Welcome to this post! So Christmas is creeping up on us and I don't know about the other holidays but I hope they were fun/are going to be fun. Anyways, please enjoy this and understand that this is sorta a random collection of things that I've thought up of different characters. Head canons are mine and characters belong to their respective creators.
I'm not including Civil War in this because that made me sad and hurt my OTP so ignoring that. Also, not everyone on the team that you think exists might be mentioned because I mainly think about the ones I know the most and have the biggest obsession with so please don't get mad at me about that. Anyways, the entire team gathers at STARK tower and they all celebrate Christmas even though like only two of them actually believe in God. The others just like getting gifts. Clint acts like a five year old and Natasha acts like a mature five year old. Tony gives everyone weird outlandish gifts that everyone didn't know that they needed. Steve gives everyone those gifts that are old fashioned with like a modern twist that no one really knows is old fashioned until they look it up. Clint and Phil (yes Phil is part of my headcanon) are a couple (one of my OTP's) and give gifts that have a hint of childness in them but are like group things? Because Phil wants the team to be together but Clint is like an overgrown child (in a good way of course). Bruce gives everyone sweaters because one of my headcanons is that he's a knitter. Thor arrives and gives strange Asgardian things that no one knows how to work. Thor knows that they don't know what the gifts are but I think Thor would be into the whole ignore that I know this now game. Those are the basic things. I also kinda love the idea of my OTP Tony and Steve adopting Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man so in that case, Peter would give everyone drawings. Because I think that while Peter as a child was obviously smart, if he was adopted by my OTP at a young age (like five or six or seven young) I think that Steve's love of drawing (also a headcanon) would be absorbed into him. SO the drawings would be scientific but also really pretty and sentimental. Because Peter's awesome. :)

Okay, this headcanon is set in a modern time where reincarnation occurs. As most of us know, Levi's birthday is on Christmas and since I love my Ereri, we might know how this headcanon will go. So basically the majority of the AOT characters would be at Ereri's house because Eren would totally throw Levi a surprise party for his birthday ON Christmas. Gifts would be exchanged except for between Levi and Eren because Levi shows his feelings to a select group of people and that brat is one of them. So, after the party is done and Hanji has drank too much and been dragged out by Petra after an *cough cough* attempted experiment involving the cleanliness of Levi's home, Levi would give Eren this really sentimental gift and would be all romantic about it and then Eren would react accordingly and Levi would brush it off while accepting it at the same time. Then, let's just say that Eren's gift to Levi includes some.....ahem......NSFW things to end the night. Then Eren would like whisper "Happy Birthday Levi" into his ear. And Levi would like elbow Eren and then kiss him because that's what Levi does in my mind. Also I imagine Eren as the bottom in a Levi x Eren pairing so let's just say that gift would be very very very sweet.

So this mainly focuses on the first Christmas they'd be above surface. Of course the monsters had their own way of celebrating but I can imagine Frisk bringing it up and Undyne and Alphys and Papyrus wanting to celebrate the "human way" for Christmas. So of course their tree would be over the top and decorated completely but it would still be elegant because it would be in Toriel's house and she is super elegant to me. No ornaments would fall and break because Sans would always be near by and catch them or Papyrus would because skelebros are awesome. Undyne would carry around a sprig of mistletoe to randomly dangle over Alphys so she could kiss her more which would make Alphys blush a lot. I can imagine them watching a ton of Christmas movies on Christmas Eve and then they would watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and be horrified by the skeletons in some strange way that only the monster culture would understand. Beyond that, they would eat delicious cookies made by Toriel and Frisk and even the anger Toriel still holds towards Asgore would be put aside. Of course, I also totally support Sans x Toriel so let's just say that one or two or ten kisses happen between them under the mistletoe because Frisk is the most conniving matchmaker there is. They would all open one gift on Christmas Eve and then Papryus and Frisk would be the first ones up in the morning. Everyone would get up and then Sans would fall asleep because he had actually gone to sleep without problems and wanted it to stay that way but Papyrus couldn't allow that. All the gifts would be received with smiles and everyone would be happy with their gifts from each other. They would inadvertently end up spending the night because they would accidentally fall asleep in the living room watching more Christmas movies.

Okay, so there are a few other fandoms that I was going to include upon which point I realized that their Christmases had already been explained and therefore my headcanons did not fit with those. So there went those fandoms. Anyways, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Years!


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